Macdolly Cocker Spaniels Asuare Cockers, Goldens and Vizsla

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia


HIP AND ELBOW DYSPLASIA - Hip and Elbow Scoring

Hip Dysplasia (abnormal development of the hip joint) is generally associated with bigger breeds of dog but it can be found in any breed, including Cockers. It can cause lameness & pain in severe cases or produce no noticeable symptoms in minor cases. 

HD does not have a simple pattern of inheritance (it is a polygeniccondition meaning it is controlled by several different genes) and whether an animal will develop HD is also influenced by external factors such as diet and exercise.

At present, the incidence of HD in the breed is being monitored to determine if there is a problem. In the UK the median hipscore for the breed is currently 10 (source: The Cocker Spaniel Club UK) the median hipscore in Australia is 16.1.  

Looking at the wide variation of the median score, it would appear that breeders in Australia are working hard to reduce the incidence of HD in the breed, and using the CHED scheme by the ANKC.  The CHED (Canine Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Scheme). Dogs are radiographed by a Veterinarian and the xrays and submission form are sent to a panel for scoring.

  • Results will be directly recorded by the reader on the ANKC Ltd ORCHID (Officially Registered Canine Health Information Database). From the resulting statistics, there are be breed specific averages available, updated regularly.

  • You can see the public listed results here:

UPDATE:  The Current breed average in Australia (from ANKC ORCHID database as at 31/10/19 - 15.91
UPDATE:  The Current breed average in Australia (from ANKC ORCHID database as at 10/5/20  -  12.57

  • You can see the breed average here:

Suggested further reading about Hip and Elbow Dysplasia is listed below:

Contact Details

Terri, Denise, Heath
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Phone : +61431833699
Email : [email protected]